Accessible and Inclusive Resource Publishing

This resource is a collaborative effort and was created for Geoscience Outreach students to practice considering the accessibility, inclusivity, and OER suitability of their created resources. It was originally run as a workshop by former Open Content Curator Interns Molly Wickett and Alyssa Heggison in 2022, and has now been adapted for sustainable use as a video with accompanying transcript by current Open Content Curator Intern August Enger.

The resource introduces the audience to the OER Service as well as the university’s efforts to improve the accessibility and inclusivity of its resources. By looking at and together analysing three already published OER (all listed below), learners are taught what points to keep in mind as they are creating their own resources. The resource is available as a video and in transcript format with PowerPoint slides embedded, both of which can be found on Media Hopper or below.

Video recording of “Accessible and Inclusive Resource Publishing.” August Enger, The University of Edinburgh, CC BY-SA 4.0 2023

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The resources discussed and analysed can be found here:

How to Create Video for Online Courses

AI and assistive technologies for the visually impaired

Learning Ecology Through Art

Header Image Attribution: “Accessible and Inclusive Resource Publishing screencap” by August Enger, CC BY-SA 4.0