Creating Edinburgh – New student created interdisciplinary OERs

David Hume Statue, Royal Mile, Edinburgh. S. Cullinan, CC BY-SA 4.0, 2023.
We’re delighted to share a new collection of open educational resource developed by undergraduate students as part of the Edinburgh Futures Institute course Creating Edinburgh: The Interdisciplinary City. Led by Dr David Overend, Creating Edinburgh takes an innovative approach to interdisciplinary education by shifting the site of learning from the seminar room to the city outside. The course brings together groups of undergraduate students from diverse subject areas, encouraging them to see themselves as part of a connected global city and to engage with the complex challenges of urban life in the twenty-first century.
This year’s students have created diverse and innovative OERs that encourage you to explore the city of Edinburgh and discover different historical and contemporary events, themes and industries that influence the physical and social structures of the city.
- Artistic Edinburgh examines the question of representation in Edinburgh’s artworks and considers how different art forms may be treated by society.
- Eduburgh sets out to explore education in Edinburgh, comparing four educational spaces and considering how they work together to shape the educational landscape of the city.
- Literary Edinburgh focuses on the impact of literature in the city, exploring different types of bookshops, paying tribute to Edinburgh’s great writers and works, and inviting you to put literature in a contemporary context.
- Music Edinburgh takes you on an auditory odyssey to explore how music and music venues have shaped the city of Edinburgh.
Visit Creating Edinburgh: The Interdisciplinary City – Student created OERs to find more interdisciplinary open educational resources.