Crisis and Entrepreneurship

PPE facemask next to keyboard and Euro money

Three part lecture on entrepreneurship during times of crisis. Created by Ben Spigel, Chancellor’s Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and, Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc at The University of Edinburgh.

Crisis Lecture 1- The Nature of the Crisis

An overview of the nature of the crisis, what’s going on crisis wise in 2020, and what crisis actually means.

View ‘Crisis Lecture 1’ directly on Media Hopper Create 


Crisis Lecture 2 – Crisis and Entrepreneurship

How do entrepreneurs and firms react during times of crisis. What does crisis mean to entrepreneurs and what do we know about how they react in different contexts.

View ‘Crisis Lecture 2’ directly on Media Hopper Create


Crisis Lecture 3 – Entrepreneuring Covid

How we see entrepreneurs responding right now to the Covid19 crisis and what we can make of these trends and events.

View ‘Crisis Lecture 3’ directly on Media Hopper Create



Header Image: Covid19 by romanakr, Pixabay licence