Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation

What are ethics?

Our future is here and it relies on data. Medical robots, smart homes and cities, predictive policing, artificial intelligences – all are fuelled by data and all promise new benefits to society. But will these innovations benefit everyone? Who stands to gain and who is put at risk? How can we ensure that data is part of a just and sustainable world?

These videos are free, open resources unless otherwise stated, originally created for the short online course Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation available on Coursera and EdX. If the course is not currently running, you can still work through the media resources in your own time.



Watch Week 1: Law and Ethics directly on Media Hopper Create


Watch Week 2: Crime and Justice videos directly on Media Hopper Create


Watch Week 3: Home and City videos directly on Media Hopper Create


Watch Week 4: Money and Markets videos directly on Media Hopper Create

Watch Week 5: Life and Health videos directly on Media Hopper Create


Header: Screenshot from the videos