Decolonising and Diversifying the Library

Bookshelf with assorted books

Decolonising and Diversifying the Library are a series of three recorded seminars presented by our Academic Support Librarians in July 2022.


Diversity in First Year Scots Law Reading Lists

This session reviews the diversity of authors named in reading lists for comparable first year undergraduate courses at five Scottish Law schools. The short report which is the focus of this talk explores relevant literature and methodologies to consider whether the authorship of texts used for teaching are representative of the profession or student body. Following the report’s findings, recommendations for the development of a more diverse pool of resources are identified. This session will end with a short overview of steps the Academic Support Librarian team are taking to provide support to staff who are keen to begin the process of diversifying their own reading lists.


Click here to view ‘Diversity in First Year Scots Law Reading Lists’ directly on Media Hopper Create



Supporting diversity through the ECA Library Zine and Artists Books collection

Join ECA Academic Support Librarian Jane Furness to hear about the ECA Library artists’ books and zines collections and the ways in which they celebrate the diversity of makers working in these fields today.


Click here to view ‘Supporting Diversity with the ECA Library Artists’ Books & Zines Collections’ directly on Media Hopper Create



Diversifying your Reading from a Student Perspective

Promoting the use of a diverse range of sources has several pedagogical benefits. It encourages students to become more autonomous learners by going beyond their reading lists and to think critically about the types of sources they’re engaging with. It also prompts them to consider the historical biases inherent in the dissemination of knowledge and look for a variety of voices to conduct more balanced research. In this session, Digital Engagement (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) intern, Tristan Craig, will reflect upon his experiences and discuss how staff can support students to become confident in finding and using diverse sources.


Click here to view ‘Diversifying your reading from a student perspective’ directly on Media Hopper Create




Header Image:  Assorted Books on Wooden Shelf by Engin Akyurt, Pexels license