Edinburgh’s OERs

Prejudice Reduction Strategies

A black woman, asian man, white redhead woman, black man, and asian woman sitting against a grey brick wall

Presentation with activities about contact theory, the bystander effect and cognitive dissonance. It also contains short biographies of the two co-authors and details of their academic involvement in psychology. National 5.

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Near Future Teaching – Videos

Brightly coloured blocks spelling out "Near Future Teaching"

A collection of videos featuring students and staff talking about what changes they predict, or would like to see, in […]

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Meteorological Visibility Observations: A User’s Guide

Woman standing on a stone at the top of Blackford Hill

Research method for a study into the change in visibility due to climate change. National 5 to Higher.

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Learn Averages with Pokemon Posters

A set of Pokemon icons on an orange bar graph from lowest to highest hit points.

Three posters describing different averages, using the example of Pokemon Hit Points. The posters cover mean, mode and median with graphs and information about the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Aimed at Level 2 to 3.

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Thinking Detectives Game: The Alps and Climate Change

Four aerial tramway cars going up the side of a slightly snow covered mountain.

A card game to develop HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) using climate change in the alps. Learners discuss whether a fictional ski instructor should exchange his skis for bicycle wheels. Included in this guide is ‘Meet the Scientists’, revealing the real climate scientists. Aimed at Level 2 to 3.

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‘Attention and Advertising Tactics’ Psychology Resource

Presentation with activities about different forms of advertising technique including inattentional blindness, change blindness and pavlovian conditioning. It also contains short biographies of the two co-authors and details of their academic involvement in psychology. Aimed at National 4 to 5.

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Volcanic Eruptions: an interdisciplinary approach

Four lessons giving an introduction to volcanoes and various aspects of geology: Volcano Experiments, “The Debate to Save Heimaey”, Volcanic Eruption Research, and a Field Trip. Aimed at Level 2 to 3.

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Videos for International Students

Man and woman walking across the Meadows (city park) in front of pink blossomed trees.

Edinburgh Global have produced a series of videos aimed at international students about adjusting to life in a new city. […]

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Electromagnetics … a “Toy Box”

Electromagnetic spectrum

This is a set of simple e-learning tools to support the teaching of electromagnetics in Electronics and Electrical Engineering 1 at The University […]

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