Fluid Mechanics
Prof. Clive Greated has created a fantastic series of Fluid Mechanics videos and made these available on YouTube for anyone to watch along and learn.
Go to the Fluid Mechanics YouTube Playlist
Silverdale Mill – A short film about a water wheel which has been restored and upgraded using modern alternators to generate power for a small ice cream factory.
Tidal Power – A film about tidal power in Scotland and some of the nearby waters starting with a short historical introduction. Filmed by Clive Greated The University of Edinburgh. Camera Yrsa Redgate Sound and Vision.
Scotrenewables tidal turbine – The launch of the Scotrenewables SR2000, the world’s largest tidal stream turbine.
de Havilland Wind Tunnel Glasgow – Richard Green takes us round the de Havilland wind tunnel at The University of Glasgow. He is interviewed by Clive Greated and the camera work is by Yrsa Redgate Sound and Vision.
Gisla Power Station – Gisla power station on the Isle of Lewis. Video made by Clive Greated for the Fluid Mechanics 3 course at The University of Edinburgh.
Garmony Hydro – Richard Thorne explains about the Garmony community hydro scheme on the Ilse of Mill.
Tidal power Orkney Science Festival – an introduction to a talk on tidal power at the 2016 Orkney Science Festival.
Oceans of Power – a review of wave energy in Scotland.
Three LDA experiments – Three short experiments explaining flow measurement using laser Doppler anemometry.
Spouting Out – Slow motion demonstration of the Edinburgh FloWave tank with binaural sound track. Produced by Clive Greated at the School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh with support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Institute of Physics Scotland.
Hydro Heritage Scotland – Heritage of small scale hydro power in Scotland from early click mills to modern micro-hydro systems. Made at The University of Edinburgh sponsored by the School of Physics and Astronomy, Historic Scotland and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
Making Waves – How water waves are generated in the sea and in an experimental test facility. A film made at The University of Edinburgh sponsored by the School of Physics & Astronomy and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
Making waves in a flume – Generation of water waves in a flume. Concepts or celerity, group velocity and wave spectrum.
Demonstration on Flowave – Monochromatic and random waves generated in the Flowave tank. Also single and multiple water spouts.
Capillary waves – Capillary waves are very short waves dominated by surface tension effects.
Mitchell turbine – Sir William Lithgow describes his Mitchell cross-flow turbine.
EMEC Orkney – European Marine Energy Centre Orkney. A description of the EMEC test facilities.
Water Waves – Waves in Coldingham Bay. Video made for the FM3 course at The University of Edinburgh.
Pelton Turbine at Billia Croo – Pelton wheel turbine used for Oyster wave energy device at Billia Croo test station.
Torness Cooling Water – Clive Greated visits the Torness power station.
Twin Lochs Hydro – Roy Foster talks about his family’s Twin Lochs micro hydro scheme at Ashfield Farm in Scotland.
Cruachan Power Station – Cruachan pump storage hydro scheme. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
EMEC Billia Croo – The EMEC test site at Billia Croo in Orkney. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Flowave tank just filled – Stuart Brown (CEO of Flowave) explaining about the tank just after it had been filled.
Cooling Water at Torness – Cooling water system for the Torness nuclear power station. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Flowave tank – Matthew Rae (Edinburgh Designs) explaining about the Flowave tank.
Minature wave tank – Clive Greated demonstrates water waves in a miniature tank made originally for the Coast exhibition.
Monochromatic and complex sea – Monochromatic and complex seas generated in the curved tank at The University of Edinburgh.
Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Museum of Flight – Museum of flight at East Fortune near to Edinburgh. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Pelamis Hoy – Pelamis wave energy devices moored at the Isle of Hoy Orkney. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Water Power – Clive Greated presents on Wwter power in Scotland. Filmed for Satrosphere Science Centre Aberdeen.
Waves in a Flume – Clive Greated demonstrates how different types of waves are generated in a flume. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Water Waves – Waves on the beach at Coldingham Bay. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Seatricity – Seatricity wave energy device in Stromness, Orkney. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Scotrenewables Windows – Scotrenewables tidal energy machine moored in Kirkwall Orkney. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Pitlochry Fish Ladder – Fish ladder at the Pitlochry hydro station. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
Pelamis Leith – Pelamis wave energy devices moored in Leith near to Edinburgh. Filmed for the 3rd year Fluid Mechanics course at The University of Edinburgh.
This work by University of Edinburgh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License.