Global Health Academy Student Testimonials

Masters in Public Health Student Chizoba Abone

Capturing videos testimonials of current online students is a powerful way of communicating with prospective learners. Eighteen online Global Health Academy students and alumni, many of whom were recipients of a One Health bursary from the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, were interviewed in Rwanda by Lauren Johnston-Smith, Online Learning Marketing Project Manager in Educational Design and Engagement in August 2019. In order to enable the Commission and the University to repurpose and reuse the interviews, students were invited to opt in to the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike Licence. Fifteen of the interviewees opted in to this licence, helping to raise awareness of the impact that studying online has on their work, while also highlighting the University’s online degree portfolio, and the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission’s investment in this subject area.

You can also view and download the open licensed video interviews with Global Health Academy students here: Online Learning at the University of Edinburgh.