HCP-Med Year 1 Integrity

A man demonstrates with a dummy to a group of students in a medical room

The HCP-MBChB, is a new medical degree course running since 2020. It’s an innovative course which takes existing healthcare practitioners (HCPs) from Scotland and allows them to achieve a medical degree through 3 years part-time study mostly online followed by 2 years full-time. The goal of the course is to widen access to a medical degree and to address the national shortage of GPs. While emphasising teaching in general practice, the HCP-Med will allow students to follow a career in any medical specialty.

As the first 3 years are taught mostly online the course has created a lot of excellent media content and made this available to all through a CC BY-NC-SA licence. 

You can access the high quality medical lectures from the course channel on Media Hopper Create.


Click here for theHCP-Med Year 1 Integrity channel on Media Hopper