Applying a CC licence on SlideShare

On this page we describe how to apply any of the seven licence options provided by SlideShare for content uploaded to its service.

Alternately this content can be viewed as a PDF file: How to – apply a CC licence on SlideShare.pdf (652kb).

Creative Commons Licences on SlideShare


You must be registered and logged into your account to upload files to SlideShare.

1. Once logged in, select ‘Upload’ in the top menu or go to Once you have uploaded your file, you can ‘edit presentation details’ where you can select your licence (at the bottom).

screenshot of the top menu bar on SlideShare with the 'Upload' button on the far right.


2. Drag and drop, or browse your files to select the file you wish to upload.


3. Complete the details in the Upload screen about your SlideShare. Enter the title and provide a description of your slides. Select a category for your content and add tags to improve the discoverability of your slides.


Screenshot of the basic upload page on SlideShare asking for: Title, Description, Category, Privacy, Tags.


4. Click on the orange ‘Publish’ button at the bottom right of the screen.


5. To edit the licence on your SlideShare click on the blue ‘Edit’ button underneath your slides.


Screenshot of the published view of new slides and the additional editing buttons underneath including: Edit, Privacy Settings, Analytics, Collect Leads.


6. The licence section will be displayed on the presentation page in the lower right section:


Screenshot showing the 'Edit Details' Screen with the 'Choose a license' menu at the bottom of the screen displaying all of the CC licences.


7. Select the licence you want to apply to your SlideShare then click on the grey ‘Update’ button underneath.


That’s it, all done!