Learning Technology Community: OER Service Takeover

Next Monday 31 October the OER Service is looking forward to taking over the University of Edinburgh’s Learning Technology Community meet-up.
If you’re a member of staff or post-graduate researcher, come and join us to hear from colleagues across the University who have worked with the OER Service to co-create open educational resources with students, and to embed open education policy and practice in their courses and organisations.
Dr Andy Cross (School of GeoSciences) will be sharing his experience of collaborating with the OER Service to embed OER into the assessment and practices of the GeoScience Outreach course, resulting in the co-creation of a collection of award-winning open educational resources on TES.
Dr Jen Ross (Moray House School of Education) will talk about incorporating an OER assignment into her postgraduate Digital Education course.
Danielle Marlow (Edinburgh Clinical for Research Facility) will share how attending OER training sessions led to further interaction with the service including regular workshops for their Centre and the development of their own OER policy and practice.
Lorna Campbell (OER Service) will talk about a Student Experience Grant funded project ‘Open eTextbooks for Access to Music Education’, which brought together staff and students from the Reid School of Music, Library & University Collections, and the Open Educational Resources (OER) Service, to co-create an open etextbook by repurposing open content originally created for a MOOC and redeveloped for an on campus blended learning course.
The meeting will take place in the Learning Technology Community Team from 14.00 – 15.00 on Monday 31 October.
Header image cropped from Open by Andre Sólo, CC BY-NC 2.0 on Flickr.