Python for Data Science

These video tutorials and PowerPoint slide resources are from the Digital Skills & Training Team‘s “Python for Data Science” course. If you’re a University of Edinburgh student, more information about the course, including how to book a place, can be found on the page Introduction to Python Programming.

Python for Data Science

The first part of the “Python for Data Science” course presentation, this playlist of four video tutorials covers:

  • Background to the Python programming language
  • Logging into Noteable (Jupyter notebooks) and downloading the course materials.
  • Overview of Jupyter notebooks commands
  • Reviewing exercises of the course Introduction to Python
  • NumPy – a fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
  • Matplotlib – a Python library for creating visualisations
  • Pandas – a library for data manipulation and analysis.


Click here to view the Python for data science videos directly on Media Hopper Create


Python Data Science Slides

To download the PowerPoint slides shown in the Google viewer below, click on the download link below each document.

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