Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation
These videos form part of a free online course Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation. This short course provides an introduction to an evolving discussion on climate change and heritage. It provides you with inspiration to think critically about the role of heritage for climate change action including adaptation. Cultural heritage underpins everything we do, but we rarely think about our heritage when taking climate change action.
As tangible and intangible assets, cultural heritage offers climate services and can support the building of resilience in the face of climate change and other disasters.
The course asks you to reflect on what heritage means to you and how our cultural heritage value is both at risk and builds capacity. The course demonstrates the importance and methods for the incorporation of cultural heritage within risk assessments for climate change adaptation and disaster management.
This course encourages you to recognise a diversity of voices that challenge the western dominant research and practice for climate change risk assessment as well as heritage conservation and preservation. By bringing climate change and heritage together, new ways of thinking and addressing social vulnerability can be considered. This course champions voices from Indonesia, South Africa and Sri Lanka. In particular, those who live, rely and interact with physical heritage sites such as UNESCO World Heritage Sites as well as those who utilise their heritage practice and knowledge for adaptation and risk reduction.
Access the course materials
Access and download the Creative Commons licensed videos from Media Hopper Create: Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation videos.
Access the full course: Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation course.
Header image cropped from Nine arch Sri Lanka by Janith Pramuditha, CC BY-SA 4.0 on Wikimedia Commons.