Research Seminar: Geographies of Impulse

Open licensed research seminar ‘Geographies of Impulse: Tourette Syndrome and the embodied experience of public space(s)’.
Daniel Jones (he/him) is a disabled artist and researcher, currently doing his PhD in Human Geography at Newcastle University. His doctoral project is titled explores the embodied experiences of Tourette Syndrome, and implements participatory and creative research methods to work collaboratively with educational charity ‘TIC-Hull’.
‘Geographies of Impulse: Tourette Syndrome and the embodied experience of public space(s)’ will discuss some early findings from Daniel’s PhD research, considering the uniqueness of the Tourettic experience of public space, (im)materiality and social difference, and implications of these early findings for healthcare and charitable organisations and their services.
Commemorating Neurodiversity Celebration Week this event was hosted jointly by the University of Edinburgh Staff Pride Network and the University of Edinburgh Disabled Staff Network.
Click here to view ‘Geographies of Impulse’ directly on Media Hopper Create
This video created by University of Edinburgh’s Staff Pride Network is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.
Header Image: Title Card for the recorded event