
Shift/Work, created by Neil Mulholland & Dan Brown of the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, is a series of performative paragogy workshops. The workshops use open engagements with practice (work) as a means of generating and transferring new knowledge (shift), to encourage players to recalibrate artistic learning.

‘Shift/Work’ has been designed to be an iterative process, a rolling workshop that can be continually re-performed like a musical score. There are four workshops, which include multiple scores, all openly available for re-mix and re-use under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial Share Alike licence.


This workshop encourages participants to develop, learn and apply speculative methods, processes and practices through participation and actions. The resource includes a PDF with the workshop outline, three scores (A Ladybird Second Speculations Book, Make Gold, The Board’s Game), and 12 speculations playing cards.

Decisions, Decisions

During the workshop participants are encouraged towards comprehension of how their decisions impact upon their peers (and vice versa). Participants work in small groups and collectively engage in a series of creative tasks specifically designed to heighten their awareness of play and reciprocity in the learning process.  The resource includes the session instructions on the website, and two PDFs with a series of playing cards and activity outline.


This session asks participants to meditate on what it means to unlearn, and then to co-create and share unlearning practices. The resource includes session instructions and outlines on the webpage.


Workshop outlines, PDFs, and more information on the great work coming from Shift/Work and the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop can be found on their website:

Click here for the Shift/Work website





Image: Shift/Work Speculations, CC BY-NC-SA