Stats for Medics

three women sitting around a table looking at graph charts and laptops

Dr Margaret MacDougall, Medical Statistician and Researcher in Education at the University of Edinburgh, created StatsforMedics as a resource for undergraduate medical students who are considering use of statistics for short-term research projects. Students from allied health sciences may also benefit from engaging with the site and its sister site, Statistics CALs.

StatsforMedics has been designed to encourage undergraduate medical students to engage with progressive stages of self-directed learning in advance of and throughout the phases of their research project. The resources has been informed by 14 years of experience which Dr MacDougall has acquired in meeting the statistical learning needs of undergraduate medical students at the University of Edinburgh and her own research in student learning and applied statistics.

Resources on the site include:

  • Introductory materials to essential prior learning
  • FAQs on statistical methods for presentation and analysis of data
  • Reporting guidelines pertinent to a wide range of study designs
  • Questionnaire and survey design approaches and advice


Go to the StatsforMedics webpage



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