Univariate Statistics & Methodology in R (USMR)

This series of Univariate Statistics & Methodology in R (USMR) lecture videos and lab workbooks has been created by Professor Martin Corley, Dr Umberto Noe, and Dr Josiah King at The University of Edinburgh.
The lecture videos, along with audio transcripts, are freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution license on the University’s media platform Media Hopper Create where they can be viewed, downloaded, and also embedded into other webpages. Lecture slides are available here: USMR Lecture Slides.
The course materials are freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution license on Github and can be found here: Univariate Statistics & Methodology in R (USMR)
USMR Lecture 1
USMR Lecture 2
USMR Lecture 3
USMR Lecture 4
USMR Lecture 5
USMR Lecture 7
USMR Lecture 8
USMR Lecture 9
USMR Lecture 10
USMR Lecture 10B
These resources were created by created by Professor Martin Corley, Dr Umberto Noe, and Dr Josiah King at The University of Edinburgh. Unless otherwise stated, all content is released under a CC BY license.
Header Image: Artwork by @allison_horst, CC BY