Virtual Reality – A Future Toolkit for Teachers?
Created by Rosie van den Berg as part of the Digital Futures course for the MSc in Digital Education, this resource is designed to promote thinking around virtual reality (VR) in education and to provoke thought and discussion around VR and the potential future it has in education.
Provided on Padlet, a platform to create an online bulletin board that can be used to display information for any topic. Rosie has created multiple themes and collections of reading and videos with discussion prompts. Participants are encouraged to explore and then to share their thoughts, ideas and response to key questions in the comments section.
Go to Virtual Reality in Education: A Future Toolkit
See other OER created by Digital Futures students
Learn more about the Digital Futures course
This work by Rosie van den Berg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence.
Header image –Screenshot of the Padlet webpage