Introduction to Python

These video tutorials and PowerPoint slide resources are from the Digital Skills & Training Team‘s “Introduction to Python” course.

Introduction to Python

The video tutorial playlist “Introduction to Python” includes a series of videos covering the following topics:

1.1 Background to the Python programming language; Logging into Noteable (Jupyter notebooks) and downloading the course materials; Overview of Jupyter notebooks commands. The demo video at 3:45 shows how Python can be used to program an automonous car: OpenCV Python Neural Network Autonomous RC Car video on YouTube

1.2 Variables; Variable types; Casting types (convert a variable to a different type); Arithmetic operations, including order of precedence

1.3  Comparison operators; Logical operators; Strings; Printing; Placeholders; Commenting

The second half of the playlist provides an introduction to Python course Notebook 0 in Noteable. Including a walk through the solutions to the Introduction to Python course Notebook 1 in Noteable.

The video tutorials work through: Lists, Dictionaries, Sets, If Else, Loops, Functions, and Classes. And again the presenter takes you through the solutions to the Introduction to Python course Notebook 2 in Noteable.

Click here to view Introduction to Python videos directly on Media Hopper Create

To download the PowerPoint slides shown in the Google viewer below, click on the download link below each document.

Introduction to Python Slides part 1

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Introduction to Python Slides part 2

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