Avatar Illustrations by Interactive Content

Four illustrations, the first of a white skinned woman with short blonde/white hair and dark glasses, the second of a mid-20s dark skinned woman with long black hair sitting on a chair, the third is a close-up of the second image, the fourth is a tanned woman with short brunette hair.

This set of 78 avatar illustrations were created by the Interactive Content team and the University of Edinburgh for Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS).

Based within the Learning, Teaching and Web Services Division, the Interactive Content Service provide a professional web design and e-learning development service to all staff and students within the University as well as external clients.

The creative team not only consists of professionally trained e-learning developers but also graphic designers, musicians and artists. When possible they openly licence their creative material.

Go to the avatar illustrations on Flickr

Click here for further OER by the Interactive Content team

