In isolation instead of in school (INISS)

In isolation instead of school

This open licensed recording was a presentation by Professor Gillean McCluskey and Dr Tracy Stewart, University of Edinburgh, to the interdisciplinary event for 3 COVID-19 projects that studied the impact of COVID-19 on teachers, students and families on Wednesday the 16th March 2022. They were presenting key findings of the project ‘In isolation instead of in school (INISS): Young people’s experiences of COVID-19 and effects on mental health and education‘ funded by Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government. This webinar was organised by the Centres for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity (CREID).

More details of this event and other presentations are available on CREID’s website.


Click here to view ‘In isolation instead of school’ directly on Media Hopper Create



Header Image: Title screen from video