Radical Digital Literacy OER

Created by Ruth Weeks as part of the Digital Futures course for the MSc in Digital Education, this resource encourages examination on the importance of a radical approach to critical digital literacy in ‘Higher Education: Towards an awareness of manipulation and control’.

This resource is based on the idea that current approaches to digital literacy in most Higher Education institutions are simplistic and fail to take into account that technology is not a neutral entity. This OER provides a number of resources to read and watch with the aim of providing a springboard to discuss and share ideas of how to integrate a more radical approach to digital literacy into an undergraduate curriculum.

Provided on the Canvas open learning management system, the resource consists of an introduction based on a position paper Ruth wrote as part of the Digital Futures course at the University of Edinburgh, two pages of resources to watch and read, some suggested apps for tracking surveillance to play with and a discussion and wiki to share ideas.

Go to Radical Digital Literacy – OER

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Header image – Social Media, by mkhmarketing (Flickr), CC BY 2.0