Renal Medicine

A series of training resources for Renal Medicine, including a concise online textbook. The resources are most relevant to clinical training of healthcare staff, but content is being extended to include more coverage of earlier years curriculum, and additional clinical resources for qualified staff.
Edinburgh Renal Education Pages (EDREP) is closely allied to the website of the Edinburgh Renal Unit which contains a wide range of detailed patient information that is also educationally valuable and available as OERs, as well as hosting clinical protocols for use by Renal staff in hospital and by GPs.
EDREN has been online since 2000.
Go to EDREP website and explore the OERs
Learn more about the Edinburgh Renal Unit
This work by Renal Unit at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Feature image adapted from Calicut Medical College Department of Pathology. This image is licensed under CC BY-SA. Source WikiCommons