Seeking Transparency in Artificial Intelligence

Created by Kerry Boakes as part of the Digital Futures course for the MSc in Digital Education, Seeking Transparency in Artificial Intelligence
Kerry teaches English for academic purposes to international students at the University of Bristol. The purpose of this resource is to inform, to collaborate with and to mobilise educators on the topic of transparency in Artificial Intelligence. The hope is that by connecting with other educators we can gain further insight into what a desired future for AI in education could be.
The resource consists of six posts and 10 activities in total, each post should take approximately 30 minutes to read and engage with. It is recommended to move through the six posts in numerical order 1-6. The focus is on Higher Education but many of the themes discussed may also be relevant to secondary and further education.
Go to the Seeking Transparency in Artificial Intelligence resource
Header image – Photo by Austin Guevara, Pexels licence.