Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) – An Open Access & Open Licensed Journal

MAT Medicine Anthropology Theory

Medicine Anthropology Theory is an open-access and open licensed journal publishing scholarly articles, position pieces, reviews, and notes from the field related to the fields of: medical anthropology, the anthropology of biomedicine, critical global health studies, medical humanities, and science and technology studies.

MAT is hosted on the University Library’s Journal Hosting Service and is part of the University’s growing portfolio of fully open-access internationally-leading academic journals.

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Eric Liddell – Olympic Medals and Chariots on Fire

Eric Liddell crossing the finishing line

Paris Olympics 2024 are underway with the opening ceremony tonight and medal fever starting to ramp up, which makes it an excellent time to look at some 1924 Paris Olympic medals in our own collections.

Our Centre for Research Collections hold Eric Liddell’s 1924 Paris Olympic Medals: Gold Medal for 400m; Bronze Medal for 200m; and the Paris Olympic 2024 Medal for participation. All three were presented to the University by Mrs Patricia Russell, daughter of Eric Liddelll, on Wednesday 20 May 1992.

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