Open Unwrapped Dec 7th: 3D Model Skull – Scottish Wildcat (Felis silvestris)

University of Edinburgh festive bauble gift by Pingked (Flickr) CC BY-NC

This intricate 3D model of the skull of a Scottish Wildcat (Felis Silvestris) was created by Dr. Tobias Schwarz, of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies.  This and other models have been shared on Sketchfab where they can be viewed, downloaded, re-used and re-shared. The model was created from multiple CT scans (X-ray computed tomography scans) combined and processed to generate a three-dimensional image. 



(Bonus: here’s a link to a picture of a wild cat on Wikimedia Commons

Lorna Campbell

OER Liaison, LTW

IS, University of Edinburgh