Spring has sprung and is raining OER

Ok, it’s not actually raining OER however we do have a smorgasbord of new content and resources that we’ll be adding to Open.Ed over the next month.
Here’s a sample of what’s coming up:
Gif It Up
How to make your own gifs from public domain and openly licensed images and videos, using free and open online editing tools (https://ezgif.com, https://pixlr.com, & http://giphy.com)
OER Adventure Story Creation
Guidance on using Twine, an open source tool, for telling interactive nonlinear stories (think ‘Choose your own adventure’). Including how to embed video, sound, gif, and image files into your story.
Digital Futures OERs
Students on the Digital Futures unit of the Msc in Digital Education have created a series of excellent OER as part of their final assessments. A number of these have been placed publicly on the web and will be added to our Open.Ed showcase.
Jupyter Notebook
The University of Edinburgh is currently piloting a cloud based service providing Jupyter Notebooks. The service is called Noteable. James Slack is blogging on how the computational notebooks allow you to create and share live code, equations, visualisations and explanatory text and how these can be great OER.
As you can see, there’s plenty in the works. April is looking sunny for OER on Open.Ed
Header Image: Snowdrops, by PandaBearPhotographyWales (Pixabay), CC0