STACK (System for Teaching Assessment using a Computer Algebra Kernel) Tutorials

This series of 9 open licensed video tutorials for STACK were created by Malthe Sporring, a PhD student in the School of Mathematics at The University of Edinburgh. STACK (System for Teaching Assessment using a Computer Algebra Kernel) is a highly sophisticated online assessment system created and managed by Professor Chris Sangwin in the School of Mathematics. STACK is amongst the most advanced online assessment systems for mathematics and is used by almost all universities in Finland as well as the Open University. It currently supports two Mathematics courses at the University of Edinburgh.
STACK has been designed specifically for mathematics and STEM subjects based on open source Moodle quiz technology. STACK goes well beyond relying on multiple choice and requires students to enter an answer which is a mathematical expression. It automatically establishes the objective properties of such expressions and provides feedback. It therefore supports formative and summative assessment.
Click here to watch the Stack Tutorial videos directly on Media Hopper Create
These videos created by Malthe Sporring, a PhD student in the School of Mathematics at The University of Edinburghare available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.